Moving Stage Lights

Staging & Concert Pro AV Moving Stage Lights Brands

Find used audio, used lighting, used video, used staging and used power distribution for the event, church and production industries. Solaris is the worlds premiere distributor of theater and concert equipment and is the only distributor that specializes in finding the best maintained equipment for our clients.

Used Moving Stage Lights Equipment for Theater, Concert Touring & Churches

Moving Lights

Used Moving Lights

Moving lights, or intelligent lighting as they are sometimes called, are basically a type of stage lighting that is able to move due to its integrated mechanical elements, which go beyond the moving parts that are found in more traditional, non-movin...

LED Moving Lights

Used LED Moving Lights

LED moving lights are used for stage lighting and to illuminate important scenes. Unlike regular lights these lights have additional automated capabilities and mechanical abilities that regular lights simply donā??t have. The LED moving lights mo...

Moving Mirror Scanners

Used Moving Mirror Scanners

Moving Mirror Scanners are often used for club lighting, as well as for stage lighting, and are quite similar in concept to moving lights in that they offer increased versatility and can be used to create more complex special effects than conventiona...

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